Association Life Membership Application
You are not eligible to become a life member if your current status qualifies for membership under any of the below categories:
Associate: Associate membership may be made available to any employee of a member institution provided such member nominee is certified by the institutional member as serving in the capacity of law enforcement or security/safety programs. Examples of Associate Membership includes: Title IX Coordinators, Clery Compliance Officers Criminal Justice professors, contract security personnel, etc.
Affiliate: Affiliate membership is open to law enforcement and/or security personnel who have a special interest in the success of NECUSA. Affiliate members may or may not be employed by the Institutional member’s college/university. Affiliate membership will also be made available to NECUSA members resigning from college and university security fields to pursue other interests but who would like to stay in touch with NECUSA.
Sustaining: Any individual or commercial firm may be invited, because of business or community interest, to become a member of the Association as a Sustaining Member.
Once received, your application will be voted upon by the NECUSA board and you will receive a final confirmation by e-mail.