NECUSA presents awards each year to recognize the outstanding performance, achievements, and/or service of college and university personnel in our member institutions. There are five such awards and one scholarship which are described below.
Alan Reynolds Self-Reliance Scholarship Award
This award is intended to provide financial assistance for educational expenses, other than tuition, to students who are children, stepchildren, or grandchildren of NECUSA members. Recipients of aid from this award are eligible to reapply for assistance in successive years, but applicants must complete a new application annually. Preference will be given to first-time and non-consecutive applicants.
Complete all sections of the application below.
Complete the essay and sign and date at the end.
Obtain NECUSA member sponsor signature.
The NECUSA Alan Reynolds Self-Reliance Award Committee, at its discretion, may award up to four awards, however fewer awards may be given dependent on the pool of applications. Recipients are rank ordered by points with awards going to those with the highest total point scores.
Award recipients will be evaluated on the following criteria:
Work experience (10 points)
School, Community and Volunteer activities (30 points)
GPA/Class Rank (20 points)
Essay (40 points)
There are 100 total possible points.
The Committee will have sole responsibility for the selection of recipients and the decision will be final. The provided information will be used only to evaluate this application and will be held in strictest confidence.
Recipients will be notified by mail and will be recognized at the NECUSA annual conference banquet and awards ceremony. The award amount is $500.00.
The application must be submitted and postmarked on or before June 1st of the year funding is anticipated. If you have any questions please contact secretary@necusa.org.
Applicant shall be a child, stepchild, or grandchild of an institutional, associate, or life member, in good standing, of the Northeast Colleges & Universities Security Association.
Applicant must be endorsed by the institutional member representative or Life Member of NECUSA.
Institutional member endorsement indicates that the applicant’s parent, step-parent, or grandparent is a member in good standing.
Life Member endorsement indicates that the applicant is the child, stepchild, or grandchild of the Life Member.
Applicant must be accepted as a full-time undergraduate student or currently enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student at an accredited degree-granting college or university.
Applicant must complete this application form in its entirety and return the original copy or scanned copy to the NECUSA committee chairperson postmarked by the deadline date.
Application Details
The NECUSA Alan Reynolds Self-Reliance Award Committee will have the sole responsibility for the selection of recipients. The decision of the committee will be final. The provided information will be used only to evaluate the application and will be held in the strictest confidence. Recipients are rank-ordered by points using the following criteria:
Work Experience: 10 points
School, Community and Volunteer Activities: 30 points
GPA/Class Rank: 20 points
Essay: 40 points
Total possible points: 100
The application must be submitted and postmarked on or before June 1st of the year funding is anticipated.
Lawrence W. Joy and Michael A. Callahan Award for Outstanding Service
The nominee must be a member or associate member of NECUSA who has, over a period of time, contributed to the enhancement of the association in an unselfish and dedicated manner.
Robert Bunker Award for Outstanding Performance
Awarded to an individual nominated by a member of NECUSA who is employed by a member institution’s security or police department who performed an act which exhibited a risk to life or safety in the course of his or her duties or who performed a life-saving action requiring the highest of professional conduct. Nominations are for acts, which occurred between May 1 of the preceding year and April 3 0 of the award (current) year.
Lucky Talbot and Hugh Harris Meritorious Service Award
Awarded to a member or associate member of NECUSA in recognition of dedicated, unselfish, and faithful service to the Association.
Judy Jackson Professional Achievement Award
Awarded to the person or persons or department, nominated by an institutional member, who or which has developed and implemented a concept, procedure or practice in the field of campus safety or security from which the campus community or institution will benefit and which other campuses may be encouraged to adopt. Nominations may include innovations in management, cost savings, crime prevention, accident prevention or related areas. Self-nominations are encouraged for this award. Nominations are for achievements, which occurred between May 1 of the preceding year and April 30th of the award (current) year.
Award for Exemplary Performance
Awarded to a person or person, nominated by an institutional member, who exhibits exemplary performance and professionalism in an incident or series of incidents over an extended period of time; and who has provided an outstanding contribution to the safety and security of his/her campus community.
To nominate someone for an award, submit a letter outlining the reason for the nomination to secretary@necusa.org or submit the nomination online by clicking “apply now".”