Tim Munro
Director Campus Safety
Skidmore College -
Faith Biesecker
Deputy Director of Public Safety
Mount St. Mary’s University -
Konrad Motyka
Executive Director for Campus Safety and Emergency Management
Mercy College -
Dave Bartels
Safety Patrol Supervisor
Williams College -
Mary T. Savage
Director of Campus Safety
and Emergency Operations
Connecticut College -
Mike Hill
CPP, Director, Public Safety
Swarthmore College -
Jim Verdicchio
Assistant Vice President of Campus Safety
Sarah Lawrence College -
Doug Morency
Associate Vice President for Campus Safety, Maryland Institute College of Art
The below information clarifies the responsibilities of NECUSA Board Members and provides information to Association members considering running for a Board position. As we cannot anticipate all events and circumstances, this information should not be considered inclusive.
Responsibilities & Expectations
Board members are expected to attend all Board meetings and scheduled conference calls. Board members who cannot attend must contact the President at the earliest opportunity.
Board members are expected to actively participate in meeting discussions and shall vote on all issues presented unless abstaining.
Meetings are conducted utilizing Roberts Rules of Order.
The primary means of communication between meetings is e-mail. Board members are expected to check e-mail regularly and respond when requested.
The President may opt to schedule an electronic meeting to discuss and/or vote on issues of immediate importance to the Association.
All Board members, with the exception of the President, are required to serve on at least one committee each year.
Committee descriptions and assignments will be distributed to Board members within 60 days of the annual installation ceremony.
The President serves as the Chief Operating Officer of the Association and is an ex officio member of all committees.
Board members are expected to attend Professional Development programs when possible.
Advisory: Advise and counsel the President concerning the organizational management of the association. Maintain the long-range focus and direction of NECUSA.
Audit/Fiscal: Perform an audit of the Treasurer’s records at the winter meeting of the Board of Directors and at the annual conference meeting.
Awards: Prepare the appropriate announcements and application forms for inclusion in NECUSA News and forward to the Editor for publication. Coordinate the nomination and selection process, and actively seek nominations for NECUSA awards. Obtain the appropriate certificates and plaques, and make presentations at the annual conference; make certificates for conference presenters for the annual conference.
Conference: Recruit hosts and sites and make recommendations for future sites to host NECUSA annual conferences. Oversee the annual conference budget and assist the conference site host. Recommend to the Board of Directors fees and arrangements for vendors and speakers, and review and update conference manual for hosts.
Constitution and Bylaws: Review the Constitution and Bylaws, becoming familiar with all sections. Make recommendations for changes/updates as appropriate. Publish and make available current copies of the Constitution and Bylaws.
Life Members/Retirees: Represent Life Members on the Board. Develop a system to track the retirement, illness and death of members, and update the membership roster as appropriate. Develop an outreach program to better support Life Members. Make available copies of the Life Membership Directory upon request.
Membership: Actively seek new members. Contact institutions that are not presently members, encouraging them to join NECUSA. Seek new ways to attract and retain members.
Nominating: Actively seek nominations for open positions on the Board of Directors. Prepare notices for NECUSA News, soliciting interested candidates. Receive nominations for office, prepare ballots and conduct elections at the annual conference.
Professional Development: Develop a fall, winter and spring professional development workshop. Recommend topics for workshops for the annual conference. Assist the Publications Committee with developing sources for articles to be published under NECUSA News.
Publications: Edit and produce NECUSA News. Coordinate and centralize production and distribution of all association documents including the website and listserve.
Self-Reliance: Actively solicit applicants and prepare applications for the Annual NECUSA Self- Reliance Awards. Receive applications, screen and select recipients for the awards and present them at the annual conference. Make recommendations to the Board concerning number of awards.
2021-2023 Douglas Babcock, Dartmouth College
2019-2021 Chris Lloyd, Cairn University
2017-2019 William Lafferty, Gettysburg College
2015-2017 Cindy Burger, Messiah College
2014 – 2015 James J. Bonner, Jr., Arcadia University
2012 – 2013 C . G. Neil McLaughlin Jr., Western CT State University
2009 – 2011 Michael McCarthy, St. John Fisher College
2007 – 2008 Gary Bean, SUNY Potsdam
2005 – 2006 Chris Daley, Delaware Valley College
2003 – 2004 Lee Struble, Nazareth College
2002 Kenneth S. Lupole, Muhlenberg College
2001 William H. O’Connell, Sacred Heart University
2000 Paul R. Darlington, Dickinson College
1999 Jerry Cookus, Wilkes University
1998 Sean M. Tallarico, Moravian College
1997 Michael A. Callahan, Bentley College
1996 Robert Drapeau, University of Rhode Island
1995 Patricia Ingalls, Hamilton College
1994 Burl Wayne Carlile, Salve Regina University
1993 Timon K. Linn, Gettsyburg College
1992 Michael R. Byrne, Syracuse University
1991 James E. Ferrier, Northeastern University
1990 George J. Barron, University of Pittsburgh-Bradford
1989 John W. Postlewait, Clarion University
1988 Edward J. Bottomly, Rutgers University
1987 Alan G. Reynolds, University of Maine
1986 Patricia Ingalls, Hamilton College
1985 Platt J. Harris, SUNY Central Administration
1984 David N. Richard, University of Vermont
1983 Jack S. Kraft, Gettysburg College
1982 Robert D. Bunker, Rutgers University
1981 Lawrence W. Joy, Bowdoin College
1980 William E. McDaniel, Cornell University
1979 Gerald F. Kearney, Tufts University
1978 Hugh W. Harris, Elizabethtown College
1977 Jacques H. Serroen, New York Institute of Technology
1976 John F. Keiper, Drew University
1975 James P. Barrett, Fairfield University
1974 Robert F. Coleman, SUNY Brockport
1973 Joseph F. Burns Jr., Rhode Island School of Design
1972 Walter C. O’Brien, Williams College
1971 John W. Walsh, Wesleyan University
1970 Robert H. Steeves, Franklin & Marshall College
1969 Robert Tonis, Harvard University
1968 H. Walter Dodwell, Princeton University
1967 Thomas J. Fitzmaurice, New York University
1966 John W. Powell, Yale University
1965 Walter A. DeVenne, Tufts University
1964 Robert D. Flaherty, Syracuse University
1963 Robert Steeves, Middlebury College
1962 Norman F. Chapman, Brown University
1961 Laurence A. Goodale, University of Connecticut
1960 Fred N. Verro, Colgate University
1959 John H. Bowers, Yale University
1958 Theodore Gaudreau, Yale University
1957 Robert J. McCarthy, Cornell University
1955 – 1956 Michael C. Kopeliner, Princeton University
1954 & 1953 ~ The Association’s history dates back to these early meetings however, no president was elected until 1955.